I react badly to change.
After my mother
died I was not allowed to see my disabled daughter and I became desperate to
see her. I tried everything. I found out where she lived. I called her
caregiver. I hired a bad attorney and took my sister who is her guardian to
court. I cried and I pleaded to no avail for months. Then I gave up. I know
that her caregiver doesn’t want me to see her because she is afraid that I will
somehow be able to take her. I know that she lied to my sister. I also know
that there is nothing I can do about it… not now. I also know that God has a plan
for me and my daughter.

When my grandson’s
foster mother stopped letting me see him I was desperate to do so. I tried
everything. I begged. I pleaded. I was angry. I was sad. I said and posted
things to try and get her attention… anything so that she would change her mind.
I did this for months… to no avail. Then I gave up. I will always miss him, but
I realized something. She was good with him before, so she will be good with
him now, and she will be good with him in the future. She loves him. He’s loved.
I know that God has a plan for my grandson.
I react badly to
change. This I know. It takes a while for me to adapt to losing people and it
can be difficult to watch. I’ve had a lot of loss in my life… a life filled with loss,
and I know that as I get older there will be much more. I really need to find a way
to let go when they’re gone.
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