Thursday, February 27, 2020

God Has a Plan

It’s been a hard week.

Last Wednesday I received a message from my ex-husband’s mother who I still communicate with regularly. She told me that she had gone into hospice on Tuesday night. She asked me to pass along the word and to pray for her. I asked her on Friday night if there was anything that I could do for her and she replied “Prayers.” The next morning I received word from her family that she had passed away. It hit me hard.

It may be hard to understand, but it is difficult to mourn for someone who was part of your family for over ten years when you can’t do so with the family. She was a wonderful mother-in-law and an awesome grandmother to my kids and grandkids. I will miss her.

I came to work on Monday so very tired and sad. I ended up going home, having a good cry, and a good afternoon nap. Sometimes you just have to let yourself take a break.

So I felt a bit better, then yesterday I found out that the people who adopted my youngest grandson are selling their home. I contacted the mom and asked if they were moving. She said yes, and seemed upset because I knew. She wanted to know how I "found out" because she didn't want me to know. I don’t understand why she would want to keep that from me, but then I don't understand why she has done a lot of the things she has done.

Then when I got home I received a letter from my daughter in the mail. The only thing in the envelope were the little valentines that I had sent her from her children, who wanted to send her something for Valentine's Day. I don't understand why she returned them, but then I don't understand why she has done a lot of the things she had done either. 

I guess there are many things that I'm not meant to understand. I don't know why I ever try. One thing I understand for sure is that God has a plan, and I’ll just have to trust that everything will work out for the best, and I do... but seriously, it’s just been a hard week.

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