Wednesday, October 4, 2017

I Remembered

While driving home the other night I was contemplating how my daughter's friends will smoke inside her home. I remembered that while I lived in that house we always smoked out on the carport. We had it fixed up outside and even in the coldest weather we would sit in the rocking chairs and smoke.

Then I had a flashback... a memory. It was very vivid. I remembered times when I lived with my ex and he would be pissed off at me about something or other and I would sit outside in the cold... smoking... because I was so hurt and upset. It was such a vivid memory that I could feel the cold. I could sit out there for an hour and he wouldn't care. I would sit out in the cold... alone and hurt... while he gave me the silent treatment.

Did you know that the silent treatment is a form of abuse? Read about its effects here.