Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Researching My Single Status

I recently read an article entitled “10 Reasons Why Being Single is Better Than a Relationship” by Evelyn Pelczar. In the article she writes about the why “flying solo” is better than being in a relationship. I decide to think about how each of these items relate to my current situation, so here goes:
  1. Time to build a better you. This is certainly true for me. Why it is true that the first six months or so I wallowed in wine, I am now working to get back to my ideal weight (15 pounds down, 10 to go), I’ve been eating healthier, exercising more, and taking more time for myself.
  2. Do what you want, when you want. I like this part of being single. I can buy what I want (well, money’s tight, but still). I can shop where I want to, and stay out as long as I need to. In my past relationships the men I shared my life with got upset if I brought home a dog. I now have five at home and no one got upset. So yeah, this aspect is kind of cool.
  3. Girl’s night out without the guilt. I don’t have a lot of nights out with the girls lately, but I certainly could if I wanted to… no problem.
  4. Plenty of time to start a new hobby. With working full time and a house full of boys I don’t really have the time for hobbies; however, I do find time between cleaning to indulge in my passion for painting.
  5. The freedom to date whomever you want and go on as many dates as possible. Not so much… I just can’t bring myself to date anyone right now… but whatever.
  6. No need to feel guilty over what you post on social media. I can see this one. Sometimes things that got posted could be taken the wrong way and now I just don’t care.
  7. No need to monitor someone else’s social media activity. No need, but I still look every now and then. I mean how else would I know that his new wife was ugly, right?
  8. Less time on the phone and more time to “do you.” It is true that I don’t get checked up on, but this is one of the things that I miss.
  9. No more “forced relationships.” This statement refers to his family, friends, and pets. SO true. In my last relationship it took his parents two years to even step foot in our house. I really grew to like them, but they pretty much betrayed me in the end. The worst part was putting up with his children, or specifically the way he treated his children. He was the worst father and it was a nightmare trying to co-parent children who had no guidance or discipline. I seriously don’t miss those forced relationships.
  10. More money in your pocket. Absolutely! “We” would purchase things that he would promise to pay for and guess who got stuck with all the bills when he bailed on the relationship?? It will take me years to pay off the debt I went into to buy him things that he liked and clothes for his kids. Take my advice… never buy things for your husband’s children and don’t take out a loan for things you can’t really afford even when he promises to pay for them.
So I can relate to many of these items, and the rest may eventually come to pass. We’ll see.

Pelczar, E. (2013, March 29). 10 Reasons Why Being Single Is Better Than A Relationship. Elite Daily. Retrieved from http://elitedaily.com/dating/sex/10-reasons-single-relationship/

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